
DELIGHT’s human-like AI listens and responds in over 30 languages to give your customers a surprisingly better, more efficient call center experience.

Experience our call center for yourself in the languages below. It's super easy—just select the language you want to test and call the corresponding number.

Language Telephone number 
Japanese  +81 3-4578-2017
English  +1 628-270-1093
+44 20 3885 9226
+61 2 8310 5656
Arabic +41 31 528 20 12
Afrikaans +41 31 528 20 10
Bengali +41 31 528 20 09
Bulgarian +41 31 528 19 92
Burmese - Myanmar (Speech only) +81 50-5050-0981
Chinese (Traditional) +1 628-207-4543
Chinese (Simplified) +1 628-270-7152
Danish +41 31 528 20 07
Dutch +41 31 528 20 06
Estonian +41 31 528 20 05
Finnish +41 31 528 20 01
French +41 22 518 10 70
Germany - Demo1 +41 22 518 10 38
               -  Demo2 +41 21 588 15 87
Greek +41 31 528 19 96
Hindi +91 22 5097 2909
+41 22 518 10 73
Indonesian +1 628-270-7245
Italian +41 22 518 10 82
Khmer +81 50 5050 0795
Kiswahili +41 31 528 19 95
Korean +1 628 219 0031
Norwegian +41 31 528 19 93
Polish +48 22 104 72 97
Portuguese  +55 11 5026 7921
Romanian +41 31 528 19 82
Serbian +41 31 528 19 81
Slovenian +41 31 528 19 72
Spanish +34 919 03 05 04
+52 55 9420 0816
Swedish +41 31 528 19 80
Tamil +41 31 528 19 79
Turkish +41 31 528 19 78
Ukrainian +41 31 528 19 76
Vietnamese +41 22 518 10 38